Bullet Resistant Batten Strips (4" Wide)
Usually Ships Within:

Any butt joints or seams create a ballistic weakness. To insure ballistic integrity, we recommend that you incorporate 4" overlap strips (battens). These strips insure a 2" ballistic overlap on the back of each side of the seam. Conformity to curved surfaces can be handled by placing 12" to 18" vertical strips following the inside curvature of the surface to be protected. The same 4" overlap strips should be employed at each joint.
Installation for Bullet Resistant Panels of All Levels >>
BR Level Specification Comparison Chart
BR Level (UL752) | Shots | Ammunition (Grains) | Velocity Min/Max FPS | Thickness (inches) | Weight (lbs) | Nominal (lbs) | Fire Rating (Hours) | Weapon |
Level 1 | Single | 124 GR FMJ | 1175-1295 | 1/4 | 2.6 | 62.4 | 1 |
9mm Full Metal Copper Jacket with Lead Core
Level 2 | Single | 158 GR SP | 1250-1375 | 5/16 | 3.6 | 86.4 | 1 |
.357 Magnum Jacketed Lead Soft Point
Level 3 | Single | 240 GR LEAD | 1350-1485 | 7/16 | 4.8 | 115.2 | 1 |
.44 Magnum Lead Semi-wadcutter Gas Checked
Level 4 | Single | 180 GR SP | 2540-2794 | 1-3/8 | 13.9 | 333.6 | 1 |
.30 Caliber Rifle Lead Core Soft Point (.30-06 Caliber)
Level 5 | Single | 150 GR FMJ | 2750-3025 | 1-7/16 | 14.8 | 355.2 | 1 |
7.62mm Rifle Lead Core Full Metal Copper Jacket, Military Ball (.308 Caliber)
Level 6 | Multiple | 124 GR FMJ | 1400-1540 | 3/8 | 3.9 | 93.6 | 1 |
9mm UZI Full Metal Copper Jacket with Lead Core
Level 7 | Multiple | 55 GR FMJ | 3080-3388 | 1-1/8 | 11.7 | 280.8 | 1 |
5.56mm M-16 Rifle Full Metal Copper Jacket with Lead Core (.223 Caliber)
Level 8 | Multiple | 150 GR FMJ | 2750-3025 | 1-716 | 15.2 | 364.8 | 1 |
7.62 Rifle Lead Core Full Metal Copper Jacket, Military Ball (.308 Caliber)