Clinic Shootings Highlight Need for Security
A gunman burst into a medical clinic recently in Buffalo Minnesota unleashing a hail of gunfire tragically killing one healthcare worker while wounding four others, several critically. The man was angry over the physicians refusal to provide additional prescriptions for certain addictive painkilling drugs. As physicians are restricting the number of opioid prescriptions, addicted patients are becoming increasingly agitated and desperate.
Doctors’ offices and medical clinics need to consider ways to avoid a similar tragedy. In this instance the perpetrator shot several individuals in the reception area and then was able to walk back into the clinic seeking and shooting additional victims.
Many offices have installed, or may install, barriers to protect from Covid spreading. Covent Security Equipment offers a full line of products which will be effective to prevent disease spread but also provide enhanced bullet resistant security. Many physicians are reluctant to create the appearance of additional separation between patients and staff, but the Covid protocols require barriers to be used, so an office might as well take the additional step of creating bullet resistant security.
These attractive barriers provide for a variety of options including transaction windows and slide through openings permitting paperwork, medical samples or other products to flow back and forth.
Another key element of protecting medical facilities is the installation of bullet resistant walls. These may be placed below the bullet resistant windows providing complete protection for clinic staff. These panels come with easy instructions for hanging and a would-be shooter would not be aware there firing into a bullet resistant surface.
In the event of a tragic event as experienced in Buffalo, Minnesota, having bullet resistant barriers placed to protect staff would be an improvement over having no options. In Buffalo, lives of five families were permanently changed, including the death of a mother of young children.
Contact your Covenant Security Equipment advisor today and discuss effective cost-effective options to protect your medical clinical staff and patients.