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Bullet Resistant Transaction Windows May Save a Life
Many stores and businesses have installed transaction windows as a delivery option to serve customers. These transaction windows are a tremendous asset and will encourage customers to patronize your business who are concerned with the Covid risk.
A recent tragedy in Elko Nevada highlights the importance of providing bullet resistant transaction windows. A 16-year-old high school McDonalds worker was shot and killed recently in an apparent random shooting where the perpetrator walked up to the transaction window and fired a shot fatally striking the young student.
Some businesses will require a sliding window for larger items but while a perpetrator may have an opportunity to shoot through a larger open space, the employee would be able to step back or slam the window shut providing protection very quickly.
Many establishments are encountering increasingly violent perpetrators and a secure transaction window provides several key benefits to your business. One key benefit is that many customers will be more comfortable doing business through a transaction window than entering your establishment. Additionally, a transaction window when designed with the correct bullet resistance, will provide significant security for you and your staff.
Also bullet resistant deal trays and transaction drawers are available that are designed to allow your customers to pass things to you, but do not allow a perpetrator access with a knife or firearm. Your Covenant Security Equipment advisor will be able to work with you in designing the correct size and functionality for a safe transaction station protecting you and your employees.
If you currently are utilizing transaction windows which are not bullet resistant, consider upgrading to a safer Covenant Security Equipment product. While replacing a window will cost some money, would you put a price on the life of your employees, or your own? An additional benefit is the added security your employees will feel working behind a secure window. This is an excellent way to demonstrate to your staff that you appreciate them and want to protect them against unforeseen emergencies.
Contact your Covenant Security Equipment advisor to discuss options that would work for you and your business.