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Severe winter weather is impacting operations along Gulf Coast. Please expect delays in production and shipping timelines.
Severe winter weather is impacting operations. Please expect delays in production and shipping.
Advisory: CSE's COVID-19 Business Continuity

Advisory: CSE's COVID-19 Business Continuity

The President of the United States declared a national emergency recently related to the COVID19 virus facing our nation. This week he issued specific guidelines for a nationwide effort in response to this challenge. We are truly in unprecedented times. 

Growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) may be having a serious impact on your business. In response to your pressing needs CSE has been monitoring the situation and working hard to deliver business continuity while at the same time responding to the impact on our families and communities.  

First, we have been taking enhanced steps to ensure the safety of all our employees. We have made the necessary investments to ensure our teams and partners have the resources they need to work remotely from their homes. This will allow us to safeguard our employees and stand ready to support you through email, phone calls, and virtual meetings, as usual.

Second, our customers are experiencing severe supply chain difficulties. We want to remind you CSE products are sourced in the United States and we are working diligently to maintain a flow of product to our valued customers. 

Covenant Security Equipment will continue to monitor the unfolding situation and follow the guidance from federal and local officials, such as the business guidelines provided by the CDC. 

Our No. 1 goal is to protect our employees and their families, customers, and local communities. Covenant Security Equipment has made a covenant with you. We are committed to provide the same quality of service you have come to expect from CSE.

Do not hesitate to contact us with your needs and concerns. 

Together we will stand!

- CSE Team

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